Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday morning

TV is still not fixed.

Just off work and entertaining Lona with some attention.

Steph and I went camping in Parksville with her grandparents. We had a lot of fun and it was really nice to get out and enjoy the nice weather. We swam in the Englishmann River, went to Coombs where I got some fudge and went and saw the sand castle contest. Unfortunately it was a short trip and we are home again.

Sleep time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My lovely car.


Wednesday August 26th 1:07 pm

I haven't updated this since April but I am thinking of posting more often as a way to get some boredom out and clue in some family depending on if they still read this or not.

Living on my own now, of course with Stephanie and we are having a great time. We live in a small two bedroom basement flat on Burnaby Mountain. We have a darling six month old kitten named Lona who is an adorable Torbie which if you don't know is a Tortoiseshell and a Tabby mixed.

Some new things that have happened since moving down to the city are that I have a car. It's a 2009 Chevy Aveo in orangish red. You choice it's in between. It's a standard so it provides with endless entertainment and its really fun to drive.

I now own a Mac. It's has a 24" screen which is huge and quite awesome for watching movies and TV shows on when your ancient big screen TV decides to break down and has to be repaired for two weeks.

I got a job at the Hub which is the Staples copy center for all of the province so we deal with Powell River to Kelowna even Whitehorse up in the Yukon. I work with Stephanie but not actually the same shift as I work 11 pm to 7:30 am Sundays to Thursdays. Hub gets the weekends off which is really nice.

We went and saw District 9 last night and it was really good. The first par kind of turned my stomach but the ending was good.

This month we went to the Abbotsford Airshow which was awesome and I loved all the FA-18s. We went to Playland and had a blast for a day. We walked 10 km around Burnaby Lake (was not expecting that lol)

I'll try to post once a day but I am only human.