Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 2 2:17 London

At the hotel now. Day was excellent, will post more later. Earl's court is really pretty. I saw a hottie hottie half naked boy man on a balcony and probably drooled and then we did a lap of the neighbourhood and saw him on the street except this time clothed. So hot. I scared a police horse. I watched a girl fall of a lion at Trafalgar Square. I met my first Russian. I went to Stamford Bridge. I went to Covent Garden, Leister Square...London places. So happy to be here. Sat in a park and ate double deckers and enjoyed the sun. It's amazing just to let go and experience.

Will post more. Our hotel room is almost ready. We waited all the way until 2 to check in and get into our room and the bed is not made, the bathroom has no toilet paper. Not too much of a fuss and the manager was very apologetic about it so I will totally forgive him and give him a good review if he keeps up the nice service. Back to go chillax with the mother and watch a bit of telly in the lounge.

Steph, what kind of lippyglossy did you want from Boots? The clear kind? Wazza?


  1. Yes yes the clear kind <3
    Omgs you're really there! *jumps* I am so jealous >< You're so lucky!!!
    <3 Check the blog i made for you will yeah :D

    Just for you :D haha

  2. Double deckers! YUM!

    Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself already <3
