Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 10 5:41 Manchester

Wow, what a full day. Cannot believe we are here. We are getting the hang of the bus system in Manchester and are having a really good day. Woke up at the Sandown Hotel where we are staying which is on Rochdale Road and we tried to walk to it but its like um trying to walk from Westview to Wildwood. Not that pleasant and not that fast especially with a heavy backpack. We have our own room and its really nice. I purchased my second alcholic drink from a corner store and drank the Smirnoff Ice in bed watching House, quite romantic.

Anyways woke up to an English breakfast which was so good and then we were off into Manchester on the bus and after going from Shudhill to Picadilly we found route 250 which would take us to Old Trafford! We got there just in time to take the 10:50 tour of the stadium and it was amazing. After taking the Arsenal tour though I had a lot to compare it to and I have to admit that the Arsenal tour was better but come on this is Old Trafford and just being there was an experience. Went to the shop and got a Cristiano magnet and was devastated that there was no Tevez magnet. I was all wtf and :(:( and I got some other stuff and like a Tevez keychain to try and make up the loss. We still hadn't gone all the way through the museum so we went there and in the museum shop was his glorious face. I gots a Tevez magnet and a Michael one there. So happy we went back. Went to the Red Cafe for lunch and got free drinks cause their till froze and we sat there waiting for it to be fixed so that was cool. I sat in Cristiano's seat and Mom sat in a Giggs' seat.

Hopped on the bus back to the city and then hopped on another and went out to Sportcity where Man City has their stadium and was so disappointed they didn't have a good selection of Joe stuff so Sarah keep an eye on the mailbox in the next few weeks.

Back on the bus and then went to this cool store where I spent a whopping 21 pounds on these two Totoro things one is blue and one is white. One is Manny and one is Chester. Haven't decided which one is which. Anyways must focus on finding how we are getting to Liverpool. Cheers!


  1. YAY Tevez magnets! Oh that sounds so awesome Paige!!!!! WOWSERS :D yay for magnets:D

  2. Just checking to see if I could comment yet?

  3. Hey Paige & Flo,
    We got your postcard yesterday from Picadilly Circus. Thank you! I'm checking the blog everyday to read about your adventures! I'm so glad you set this up. Great to hear of your travels! Granny and Auntie Vi all read your blog with mom and wondered about more details regarding your visit with Auntie Crissie.
    I'm at work so I better run. Love you

  4. You're Birthday is in three days. I am off on your birthday. You need to phone me!!! I want to here from you. I'm off on your birthday as well as the day after. Phone me sometime either friday or saturday. 8pmish there, 12pmish here again? that was perfect. <333
    I miss you terribly right now.
    Your house scares me dreadfully at night. Its all fine if its inhabited, but when there is no one in it, it's so blasted scary!
    I wish your doggie could take himself in at night. -shudders-
    Anyway! Cant wait to see your next post! <333 Miss you terribly, crazy madly! <33 xox

  5. Stumbled across this page on google. I've lived opposite the Sandown Hotel for 5 years.Never actually knew it was a proper hotel, thought it was a place used by the local council to temporarily house homeless people. Just looked at their website and it actually looks quite nice there. This areas a bit rough though! Hope you had a good stay there, and yeah it is a bit of a trek from here to the City Centre!!

    Wierd though, how you can live directly opposite a place for all this time and no nothing about it until you stumble across a web page from someone living in Canada. I must get out more :-)
