Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 21 9:44 Barcelona

Slept in, it was so amazing, just to rest in a nice comfy bed. We left the hotel around ten and walked to a little bakery we had discovered on our route back from the park the night before. We baught this pizza like pastry and then two chocolate croissant type things that were so good.

We went back to Parc Guell and thought it would be nice to eat our breakfast there, boy were we wrong. All the tourists and people swarming all over it was terrible. It is a totally different place in the morning/afternoon then it is at night. When we were there the night before there was maybe nine people or so but it was just swarming with people. Made it quite ugly, we found a slightly quiet spot and ate and fed the pigeons.

After that we walked down to Lesseps and took the metro to Diagnol where we got off and walked all the way down this long street to find the Harley Davidson of Barcelona, only to get there just as it closed at 2 pm. Mom almost killed herself, we had walked all that way and it was closed at 2 pm for two hours. Spanish siesta! All the stores quickly shut around us for about 2-3 hours and we were stuck with nothing. We walked all the way back down to where we started and enjoyed our first Spanish McDonalds. I had the Mexican Guacomole burger which was to die for. It was like salsa and goodness.

After lunch we popped down the road to see Casa Mila! It was just down the road, its crazy to be able to see all this neat architecture. Mom really likes Gaudi, which I am happy about. After that we headed back to the Harley Shop and mother spent so much money. I got a 30€ shirt which I am wearing now.

From there we walked all the way to Camp Nuo which was some how not as impressive as I was imagining.:p No worries, it was still cool. Then we went to the megastore and I was all OMG OMG want want want. I got a two magnets, a pin for Steph, some pens and a pendent of Messi, lol. I got a Xavi jersey OMG. The yellow kit because the blue and red one hates me no matter how much love I give it. I am so happy with the jersey though and I got socks too. Bright yellow socks!!!

We walked some more and then found the metro station and I had to get off and buy this cute yellow purse for 18€. It was so yellow and it called to me from the station so I dragged mom off and went and got it. We continued our journey and I became determined to figure out how to get to the hotel without involving Guell Parc or a cab as it was quite dark. Took the wrong route and knew the jig was up when we ran into another metro station. Ugh Barcelona why are you so confusing. Walked to the bottom of this hill and looked up and saw the bridge we were supposed to go up and everything clicked.

Unfortunately we witnessed the aftermath of someone jumping off said bridge or possibly having a had a heart attack under said bridge. I like the second idea much better than the first. We had been confused by all these police on the bridge and police blocking traffic under the bridge and wondered what was up. Mom wondered if someone had thrown something over the bridge and after a moment we decided to cross and check it out. Unfortunately to find the person at the bottom. Mom did not see him but I saw him and I hope to god that it is not a suicide or anything. It makes me realize just how fragile the world is and how easy it is to lose yourself.

Slumber my darling, bid sorrow adieu, to-night for the fairies, tomorrow for you.


  1. Sounds like that was an awfull experience for you both.So sad for the poor soul. The package only took 5 days Flo. Instructions are being followed.Shad spent a goodnight, stairs not too much of problem. Paige you haven,t mentioned the weather??? Hopefully it,s better than here COLD Brrrr.Anyways continue to have fun. Love you both Auntie Vickie

  2. Aww thats an absolutely horrible thing to experience. Lets hope nothing like that happens again while you're there.

    Yay for pin :D Woo for jersey!!!

    -squeals- I'm trying t picture that cute sounding purse!

    Paige, I miss you so much right now. I wish I could talk to you.
