Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 3 Update

We went to find Craven Cottage where Fulham plays and the website said that it would be a ten minute walk and I think it was crazy cause it took us a little more than that. Had a lovely walk through Bishop's Park to get there and enjoyed the sun. We got there and picked up our tickets before finding the shop to be closed until game days and then went and found which tiny door we were to go through to get to the Johnny Hayes stand before walking back through the park and finding the other store not open for another half hour. We blew that off and managed to get back to Putney Bridge tube stop and were off to Arsenal once more.

We got to do the Stadium Tour and this made me incredibly happy. So so happy. My butt has been where Aaron Ramsey's butt has been and thats all that matters right now. The pitch is so amazing as is the stadium, really breathtaking and I really hope we do end up getting to a game. The tour guide was really funny and we talked to him and I told him about almost meeting Gael Clichy and he told me if it made it any better, he had met Gael Clichy and I told him I was really happy to be now one degree away from Gael Clichy.

Leaving the stadium, the only thing we could do was get lost trying to find the stop. We took the wrong road and had to walk a long long was to Finsbury Tube stop which was very hidden and we could have missed it. We went from there to the British Museum but before that I had a Mexican Chicken sandwhich which was basically chicken slathered in Salsa. Made me think of Jacinta. LOL. Went around the Museum and was blown away by just what people are capable of.

Down from there we went to Trafalgar Square again but this time not to scare police horses or touch big lion butts and went to the National Gallery which was incredible. I got a stuffed pigeon from the shop there and I enjoy it very much.

On the tube stop back, mom nudged me while waiting for the train and pointed out something and I was don't see anything then I saw a little tiny black mouse. It was so cute scurrying about and this guy laughed at it because mom had been able to seen it so she said that we were tourists and the guy said that the mouse was a terrorist. So funny.

Rain and night came so we headed back to Earl's Court for our lovely little room and some much needed sleep.

PS Steph, is the gloss you want in that weird looking bottle or like a normal tube shape? I can only find the clear normal tube shape and its like £6.20. :P Tell mees and I will pick it up for you on the last day in London. :P


  1. My butt has been where Aaron Ramsey's butt has been and thats all that matters right now.
    LOL. ♥♥♥

  2. Its a bottle tube shape. Don't worry about it! Seriously! If you cant find it, my heart with not be broken.

    YAY for stadium tour! HOMG thats so awesome.
    Yay for stuffed pigeon! Jealous!!! Haha awesome.
    I cant wait for you to come home. I miss you so much

  3. Stephanie miss you so much. Crazy much, wish you were here. Sent a postcard yesterday, hope it gets to you soon.

  4. I missed all the comments you sent me. I dislike that there are no emails sent to you when someone comments. >< I feel like an ass with all of you're comments that I've missed.
