Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 13 5:26 pm Liverpool

At McDonalds on Paradise St which is where we always seem to go since it is the only McDonalds we have found besides the one in St. John Center. Anfield was amazing. The tour was really good and the guide was really funny. Happy happy. In the stadium store we found a funny pen in those racks off pens with people's names on them, personalized pens, yeah? It said 'Wife' on it. Like who would get that for their wife. "Here hunny, got you a pen..." Got to talk to Stephanie so that was really good. Um heading to the train station after this. London here we come.


  1. LOL I would like a wifey pen hahahaha :D
    I think I would still be flattered if my hubbie got me that :P
    yay you phoned me! So elated about that
    Sorry if I wasn't too enthused when you phoned and shit, I was tired :P Stayed up listening to your hammy :P But I am so happy you phoned me!
    London already? I thought that was tomorrow! Wowsers, :D

  2. London for your birthday again! Amazing. Wish we were there with you to celebrate and buy you a beverage or two!!! I've passed your blog address on to a lady your mom works with and your cousin Tracey whom I met yesterday. I think I would like the wifey pen also. It would be the one and only!
    Keep having fun and don't drink too much on your birthday! Much love, Jen

  3. Happy Birthday Paige. Hope you had a nice day.What a wonderful way to celebrate your 19th.You seem like your were meant to be a tour guide the way you have found and gone to so many places.Florence and you must be having so much fun together. GRANNY ALSO SENDS BIRTHDAY HUGS &KISSES.Love to you both.Auntie P.S.Shad goes for walks with Uncle Bob.

  4. I am looking forward to hearing what you and Mom did on your 19th, I am sure whatever you two got up to it was a blast. Wish I was there to celebrate with you. Hehe. Happy Birthday Paige!
