Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 28 10:34 am Valencia

Today we are heading to the central market to get this bread that is like a massive hot cross bun on crack and covered in sugar. It is so good and I cannot wait. The markets are crazy here and I want to buy some things.

We are going to walk to Valencia CF´s new stadium and check it out and then from there to the train station to get ourselves tickets for Madrid and then to the Fallas museum. I am really sad we missed it so one day I must be here for Fallas to check out all the dresses and everything.

Don´t really know what else is on the agenda, just to enjoy the weather in our last week and hope that Madrid is just as cool as Valencia and Barcelona have been.

PS That´s so cute about Oscker and Shad, we have been looking everywhere for Oscr the grouch to no luck. They have Bert and Ernie but no Oscar. Booo. We´ll keep trying.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! That bun sounds amazing! What kind of stuff do they sell in this market? Everything?
    I'm sure madrid will be just as awesome, or even better...
    Can't wait to see you!!! xoxo
