Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 15 12:07 pm London

Yesterday was so good. We went to the zoo and saw all the animals except for the Tapirs which was sad because I really wanted to see the Tapirs. I got a headband that had Giraffe ears and the horns, it was so cute. We saw the two Giraffe's feeding and got tons of pics so I hope they are good enough to appease Shawn. We spent four hours at the zoo so that shows you how much we were enjoying it. I found a friend in a little bird that followed me back and forth in his cage. I will look up what he is later but he was something like a Palawan Pheasant, reminded me of star wars the name.

We left the zoo and then went to Leicester Square and went to Pizza Hut for dinner and got a stuffed crust Hawaiian, my fav! Then had hot cookie dough and ice cream for desert. We got tickets for the movie Young Victoria. It wass so good and pretty and I want to watch it again. So pretty. Had a late night for once, ha ha.

Might hit up the Victoria and Albert Museum because of it. Might go to Arsenal to get those pics for Steph, Cesc was it?

Tomorrow to Paris!

PS Steph, will be sending a parcel to you. Do not open it on pain of death of Paige if you open it before I get home. Okay? Can I do that? Can I trust you not to open it?


  1. You can trust me! It will take a lot of will power, but i promise. Only for you would i promise such a feat for. Ps there is someone in your house with alarge red truck! Im scared to go in and i left a message on the machine asking who the heck was in there. Jen didnt see anyone so it happened at night. Does scott own a red truck? It has to be someone u know because i locked the door and shadow was in the house but this morning shadow was out.. Neway just thought you should know...

  2. Scott does own a red truck, like a bigish shiny two-door truck. It better have been him!

  3. Yes it turned out to be him in the end. Scared me half to death though! I thought a random person was living there! I was all wtf!! I find it quite unresponsible of him... He could have informed your mother! Did he know that she was going to Europe? Did he call the house and find out she was out of town via the answering machine? I wish he had of told someone who could have passed the info onto me. -shruggles- Ah well though, its over and done with. No harm no fowl right? :D
