Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 4 Roundup

Had Breakfast which is coffee, cornflakes and toast and then went off to go to Westminster Abbey, it was so amazing and I am really glad that we decided to go inside and look around. All the stained glass and marble stone was so amazing. We got some souvenirs and the like. From there we walked across to the London Eye where we took in the wheel as we ate large hotdogs and fed the pigeons. We walked all the way to the Tate Modern and looked around. Air quality in there was not that good so we left and then walked across the Millennium Bridge to check out St. Paul's and decided against going inside then got lost attempting to find the tube, ugh, all I seem to do is go the wrong direction, all the time. We got off at Leicester Square tube stop and walked down to the National Portrait Gallery which was eye opening because of all the pictures of Queen Elizabeth I which I have only ever seen in history books. It's amazing what people are capable of with just paint and skill. Makes me miss Steph a lot because of all the amazing art I have seen. Went back to Earl's Court to drop our stuff off and I took this time to tell mom that we were in the home supporters section so we were supporting Fulham and not to shout out anything not related to Fulham so she tries to be funny and says "Go Whitecaps!" in which point I headdesk the wall and tell her that no one here has probably heard of the Whitecaps and probably don't care so don't say anything like that. Then we were off to the game!

I am really glad that we went to Putney Bridge the other day and did a run through of how to get to the stadium because I think I would have been quite scared to be out at night amongst all the people heading for the game. We were to have dinner and looked around before stopping at a place called Tastey's which probably was not the most hygienic places around but god was it good. I had a kebab and chips which turned out to be meat all over french fries which was not what I expected which was traditonal meat on a stick. We ate our lovely kabob and cheeseburger in Bishop's Park which was just as creepy at night as it is lovely in the day.

After dinner in the park we went to the Fulham shop were I forked out 49 pounds to get a Clint Dempsey 23 jersey for the game. I could not resist. This was my first premier league game, I resisted Arsenal which was a major thing but could not resist this. I got a men's large at the man's urging and I am glad I did because I pulled it over my sweater and had my jacket over it. I was content to have it there. Makes me think more how I just wear my jerseys as shirts and thats it but here its cold and you best bundle up.

Getting to the stadium, we got a program and then went inside and purchased drinks (Shawn they took the caps from us! :o International hate for caps) We were early but I am finding out that I would be content to wait an hour and a half then be late at all. I sat next to a boy and mom sat next to a boy and that was fine with us because my god we were so close to the pitch. I was just to the right of the middle line of the pitch and it was wondrous. When we arrived the stands were not all full and mom was wondering if it would stay like this and I told her that it would be like a King's game and that everyone arrives at the very last minute and they did. The stands were packed and the away supporters in the stands to the far left of us were singing and moving, it was incredible.

Watched the boys warm up and all I could wish for was wanting to see Jack and Aaron but you know they don't play for Fullham so no such luck.

The game on the other hand was really good, Fulham had so many chances and did not put anything away. Hull City were rubbish and all their shots were way wide and useless. It was a really sad end as Hull scored in the 92nd minute of the game and what had been a nice clear sky, it started to rain almost instantly after the goal had been scored. It was quite a strange event.

Leaving the game, we walked through Bishop's Park again but this time with all the crowd. It was pretty amazing to be in such a swell of people. We went to the platform and I decided for us that we would go down one station and then switch back onto the other one so that we would be in a less crowded train and that worked out for us. Walked from the tube stop back to our hotel and saw a man dancing in women's boots which was quite eye opening as he was an older man :p. Once back at the hotel we packed up, prepared for tomorrow and then promptly passed out.

PS If any words are messed up its cause the thing kept jumping when I . Stupid thing.

Still on the look out for that phone card. <3


  1. Awww, Clint! He's great. You'll have to take a picture while wearing the jersey. Also, I wish you could have seen Jack and Aaron, too! <333

  2. He was so good. Had some wicked shots on net.

  3. Good on him. Too bad they couldn't win, though. D:

  4. I dont even know what happened. I completly missed this entry :( How depressing, but I've read it now, so I've read them all woo :D

    I'm glad you found a phone card and were able to phone me. Its really just made my week!
