Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday morning

TV is still not fixed.

Just off work and entertaining Lona with some attention.

Steph and I went camping in Parksville with her grandparents. We had a lot of fun and it was really nice to get out and enjoy the nice weather. We swam in the Englishmann River, went to Coombs where I got some fudge and went and saw the sand castle contest. Unfortunately it was a short trip and we are home again.

Sleep time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My lovely car.


Wednesday August 26th 1:07 pm

I haven't updated this since April but I am thinking of posting more often as a way to get some boredom out and clue in some family depending on if they still read this or not.

Living on my own now, of course with Stephanie and we are having a great time. We live in a small two bedroom basement flat on Burnaby Mountain. We have a darling six month old kitten named Lona who is an adorable Torbie which if you don't know is a Tortoiseshell and a Tabby mixed.

Some new things that have happened since moving down to the city are that I have a car. It's a 2009 Chevy Aveo in orangish red. You choice it's in between. It's a standard so it provides with endless entertainment and its really fun to drive.

I now own a Mac. It's has a 24" screen which is huge and quite awesome for watching movies and TV shows on when your ancient big screen TV decides to break down and has to be repaired for two weeks.

I got a job at the Hub which is the Staples copy center for all of the province so we deal with Powell River to Kelowna even Whitehorse up in the Yukon. I work with Stephanie but not actually the same shift as I work 11 pm to 7:30 am Sundays to Thursdays. Hub gets the weekends off which is really nice.

We went and saw District 9 last night and it was really good. The first par kind of turned my stomach but the ending was good.

This month we went to the Abbotsford Airshow which was awesome and I loved all the FA-18s. We went to Playland and had a blast for a day. We walked 10 km around Burnaby Lake (was not expecting that lol)

I'll try to post once a day but I am only human.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 7 8:11 am Powell River, BC

I am happy to be home. Nothing has changed much except I will need to get used to things, mainly the size of pop bottles and toilets full of water. I had an amazing trip with my mother and I wouldn't change a thing (maybe to have brought the Spain National team back to our hotel room for personal Spanish lessons) My mother was an excellent travel companion and let me take the reigns and guide us through Europe whether it be backwards or forwards. (I seemed to always be going backwards and never forwards) but we found our way and were amazed with what Europe had to offer. I am going to go city by city and explain what I loved best about each city.

London: London is such a big city, it really grabs hold of you and sucks you in. I loved the fish and chips at Covent Garden. I loved spending almost five hours at the London Zoo, who knew watching a Giraffe being fed bread could be so amusing or wondering if the hippo should look so shiny or looking for the mystical tapirs (never did find them :( )Going to the movies and watching Young Victoria, Confessions of a Shopaholic and Knowing. Watching Fulham vs Hull City at the half way line, right at pitch level. There is too much to go on about, it's just an amazing city with an amazing history and really needs time to explore to its fullest. I really enjoyed going on the Arsenal stadium tour and it was the best of all the ones we had been on.

Edinburgh: What sold me about Scotland was the train ride with National Express to Edinburgh. The Scottish coastline was beautiful and I liked that train ride the best of all the train rides we did. Edinburgh was a beautiful city. The weather was good to us and we had blue skies and sunshine as we explored the museums and walked up the Royal Mile to the Castle. Our first hostel experience was interesting with an old lady with a big radio, a big bag of chips and a big clock. We went on our free tour which was really amusing and gave us background information about buildings we would have just wandered by not knowing that they had any significance. I tried haggis and pork sandwich and it was good. I shared a pint with my mother and learned I am not much of a beer drinker. We learned the valuable lesson that every museum is bound to have a bathroom whether it be the Children's Museum of Edinburgh or the Tate Modern in London.

Glasgow: We didn't spend enough time in Glasgow to have it make much of an impact on us. The colours were bright and it seemed all the children were set free on the streets in mass hoards. We stayed in a nice Euro Hostel, the only complaint would be the fact the fire alarm went off at 1 am. Luckily we did not burn to death, never did find out why that went off just that I do not ever want to hear such a noise in my life. We did manage to get out to see Auntie Chrissie in Uddingston which is about 45 minutes out of Glasgow(something like that and you needed a train) and a little walk from the train station. We brought her hot cross buns and she had already brought some out. We had coffee and talked about her legs and Mom growing up and some cousins I don't know about and some other people. She mentioned Auntie Vickie as a baby and singing a song that made her cry. She thought someone else was going to be with us but it was only us. Unfortunately we had to cut the visit short as it was late and all we wanted to do was get stuck in the dark in Uddingston.

Manchester: We arrived in Manchester by bus because it was much cheaper than a train. It was an annoying experience, the guy I sat next to was really greasy and reminded me of a blond Snape from Harry Potter. Not a good thing. Mom sat next to this man who wasn't wearing shoes the whole ride, that was really gross. The man was travelling with two women and they sat in the back of the bus, taking up five seats to themselves and chatting loudly the whole way. It was super annoying and I think mom wanted to smack them both. We chose a hotel that was a little out of Manchester and after walking a bit we took a cab and boy are we glad we did. Manchester to me wasn't a very exciting city, it had potential but nothing really screamed at me besides the factor of Manchester United and Manchester City. We hit up Old Trafford and went on the stadium tour almost right away and it was not as good as Arsenal but it was good. We went to the Red Cafe afterward and had a nice meal. The till was down when we wanted to pay so we got a free drink, yay for that. We went to Sportcity which is Manchester City's stadium and were disappointed with their megastore because of the shoddy selection of anything and their massive endorsement of Robinho.

Liverpool: A long walk from Lime Street Train station to Anfield road. My directional skills allowed for Anfield to lead us to our hotel but not to account for the distance we would have to travel to get there. One big big hill and lots of road. We stayed at Brian Epstein Hotel (he was the manager of the Beatles) but it was overbooked because Patrick the manager seemed to be short of a few brain cells and we ended up staying at Patrick's house down the road and ended up sharing the room with three guys around my age. Mighty exciting. We went and soaked up the atmosphere of the approaching Liverpool vs Real Madrid match and then watched it from a pub just down the road from the stadium which was so cool because they were singing and it was just a blast to be there. Went to some museums and Goodinson Park but Anfield was the main pull.

Paris: What can I say about Paris? The driving is crazy, the people are different, everything else is lovely. Our hotel was not prime but it was a bed and that's all that counted. The Louvre was amazing, so was the Arc de Triomphe and I totally recommend going up it, its a lovely view on a good day.Versailles was another amazing experience and I recommend going maybe in June, to beat the crowds and get the lovely gardens hopefully in their glory.

Barcelona: I am in love with Barcelona. It is such a wonderful city and it offers you so much. I love Gaudi and La Sagrada Familia and going up it was such an experience, I have never felt more scared or thrilled all at once. I will definitely go back to Barcelona, the weather, the people, everything was so nice and it definitely needs more exploring.

Valencia: Valencia had a lot of hidden surprises for us that we would not have expected. Just going down an alley way in Valencia would lead you to some marvel and then another. It was opening doors for us into their way of life. We were awed by Fallas and the fact that they spend hours and hours and thousands of dollars on these masterpieces and then just burn them all. It was hard to wrap our minds around this all and we loved everything we saw. I really enjoyed going to the beach and can't imagine how packed it would be in the full swing of summer.

Madrid: Madrid is a big city. Not as big feeling as London or Paris but it is still a capital and you get that from it. I really enjoyed the Spain vs Turkey game and to see familiar faces like Xavi, Gerard Pique and Juan Mata who I have watched before live was really cool. The bullfight was a disappointment, I guess we just thought it was going to be what you know, bullfights are. A mistake but an experience that I won't forget.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 34 12:00 pm London

I cannot believe that it is our last day. It feels like we haven't even started but I am ready to go home. We have had such a good time and can't wait to show everyone all our photos.

We are so happy to be back in a place where everyone speaks English, we had a melt down at Charles de Gaulle yesterday when the men with the big guns would not let us go to the RER trains. We did not know they were there because of the bomb threat, we just new they had big guns and were not letting us or anyone else through. Mom's anger turned to "DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?!" pretty fast much to my dismay. We got on the train anyways and spent the rest of Paris at Gare dun Nord, hating gypsies and eating ice cream.

Today we are off to Arsenal for one last go about and then to the Victoria and Albert Museum as well as the Science Museum.

Last night we watched Knowing and I have perfected the turtle in shell affect with my Barcelona sweater. Really good movie.

Oh and Steph, Twilight movie night with my mother when we get back, she wants to watch it, lol. So happy you got the package, don't shake too much. I can't remember what all is in there.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 32 9:02 pm Madrid

Today we woke up and had coffee in a nice square just outside Plaza Mayor before hitting the metro and making an attempt to get to our new hotel that we are spending the night in so we can wake up bright and early to catch our flight to Paris. We ended up taking a taxi which was good because the bus was not so good for luggage it turned out.

We got there anyways and our room is huge and nice. We went back into Madrid to go to Vicente Caulderon and I was disappointed with their lack of stuff I wanted to buy. I got a shirt which is cool and a Luis Garcia photo before we went back to Santiago Bernabeu just to get that Raul postcard and in order to get him I had to buy all these others so Stephanie some how gets two Cannavaro postcards instead of a 8 euro keychain (I refused to pay that much for a keychain, sorry!)

We went for coffees and then spent a glorious eight minutes in these massage chairs. They were just amazing.

Wanted to go to this museum....Thysson something (lazzzinesss) but ha it was closed cause it was Monday, silly us. We went to the park again because it was sunny and walked around the boating lake and saw these very nice old people feeding the stray cats of the park. We went to Palace Valazquez and the Crystal Palace where we saw Black Swans! We had seen them at the London Zoo but these two were just supping it up with some ducks.

We then had Australian Bacon burgers and hit the road home on the busses which are a lot like our buses that go to Vancouver and back, ha ha. Hotel now. :D

Tomorrow we hit three capital cities in one day. Madrid. Paris. London. Cool.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 31 8 10 pm Madrid

Madrid is lovely but very cold. I haven´t been able to use my computer because of internet access issues so am using the hostel one. It rained yesterday but ended just before we went to the game which was perfect timing. Oh the game was lovely. We had really good seats and I was so happy to see Xavi and Iker, I was like a rabid fan girl. They won 1-0 and it was by Gerard Pique! I have hugged that man, well glomped I guess.

Um what did we do in Madrid since we arrived, we went to Santiago Bernabeau and I got my new Spain jersey with Xavi on the back which caused me a lot of attention for the rest of the day and the next morning.

We went to El Prado and it was lovely before hitting up the park and botanic gardens, only found one cat where as the botanic gardens in Valencia had all these poor little abandoned kitties that ate our lovely bread which was really good Steph. It was really good, like cinnabun crossed with hot cross bun and on crack.

Uh we went to Reina Sofia and saw Guernica before all the art seemed to blend together and we hit the road in the rain only to come across this big protest going up Calle Atocha, it was crazy.

After that was the game which as I might have mentioned was amazing.

Today it was a cold day and we woke up and went and picked up our tickets for the bull fight before going to Vicente Calderon which was closed cause it was Sunday, silly religiousness...bah. After that we went to the bullfight which I must say was a very interesting experience. We stayed for one third of it, so basically the first bullfight of three. It will be my first and only bullfight and we will leave it at that.

Bed soon, I am exhausted. Tomorrow we go to our other hotel closer to the airport. We fly to Paris on the 31st before taking the train to London , have a day in London before heading home. Can´t wait.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 28 9:54 pm Valencia

Last day and boy must I say it was a good one. We went to the market which is full of stalls with fruit, spices, vegetables, meat, fish, everything. You just go around and point and ask and get. It´s really cool and amazing. The meat aspect makes me kind of laugh because they are all very close and its all competition, it would be like all the meat departments in Powell River working in front of each other. How do you choose which is best to get your meat from.

We had amazing coffee outside of the market. So good. Spanish coffee is really strong even with the milk.

We went from there to go see the stadium which was still being built so it was kind of a waste of time but whatever, there is a mysterious cool looking stadium that we never found.

After that we headed down the big avenue and were going to go to the Fallas museum but it closed for siesta time so we had to wait two and a half hours. We were in the City of Arts and Sciences part of Valencia so we admired them and then went to this mall like area and had pizza in this restaurant, after wasting time we wandered back to the museum a little early and it was still not open biuut all these elderly people and this school bus full of kids had shown up so we put it off and decided we would go back later because we did not want any pushy Spanish grannies knocking us over or loud kids so we walked across the street and found Gulliver!

They have this big playground made up of Gulliver from Gulliver´s Travels, its full of ropes to climb up his legs and slides to go down his sides and shoes and hair and staircases to climb all over him. Its really cool and really big and we didnt even know it was there, we just wandered into the park.

We went to the fallas museum after having some fun in the park and we are so glad we did and so glad we waited because it was amazing, to think that all the amazing sculptured charicatures in there were saved from being burnt, it amazes me and makes me wonder what ones have been burnt. They are so detailed and just incredible creations, its almost like taking all the works in an art gallery and setting them on flame after letting people admire them for just a little bit.

We really enjoyed our visit and walked all the way back and decided to look for food and to go to the other tower. We got to the tower and it looked exactely like the other one so we decided against climbing it and walked down this alley way and came apon these big huge doors and peeked inside to find the Corpus Cristi museum and again were amazed. I will never be able to understand how it is possible to just wander down one alley and be able to find something wonderful. We are constantly being surprised by Valencia. There were these HUGE wooden figures that people control and parade around with and these hug amazingly sculpted wooden floats. We are so happy that we were able to do that and seeing the Fallas museum and then this was just wow.

One day I will go to Fallas because it is just intriguing.

Tomorrow to Madrid at 11:25 am. Can´t wait.

Day 28 10:34 am Valencia

Today we are heading to the central market to get this bread that is like a massive hot cross bun on crack and covered in sugar. It is so good and I cannot wait. The markets are crazy here and I want to buy some things.

We are going to walk to Valencia CF´s new stadium and check it out and then from there to the train station to get ourselves tickets for Madrid and then to the Fallas museum. I am really sad we missed it so one day I must be here for Fallas to check out all the dresses and everything.

Don´t really know what else is on the agenda, just to enjoy the weather in our last week and hope that Madrid is just as cool as Valencia and Barcelona have been.

PS That´s so cute about Oscker and Shad, we have been looking everywhere for Oscr the grouch to no luck. They have Bert and Ernie but no Oscar. Booo. We´ll keep trying.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 27 8:20 pm Valencia

Woke up this morning to the lovely noise of construction happening in the streets. Not such a nice noise at all.

Left the hostel and walked towards the train station and past the bullfighting ring and all the way "walking for miles out of the city" to get to Harley Davidson Valencia where we met this guy named Joe from Montreal who have us the Spanish two cheek kiss and we talked to him for a little bit. His friend the macho Spaniard in leathers was all WTF because he probably couldn´t understand us. I got dad a shirt, so hopefully he will like that whenever I see him in the future. :p

Mom was smiling from ear to ear and we walked back to the train station and asked where the post office was and we managed to get an answer and directions on a map. (Went into the wrong tourism office yesterday asking for the post office and they blew us off and told us to go find a Valencia tourism office, it was major WTF meanness cause all they had to tell us was where the post office was) Anyways the post office is this HUGE building that we have walked past every day and taken photos of during the day and at night. Felt liked idiots, we blew off the package idea and smacked ourselves at our blindness.

After that we had paella which mom keeps pronouncing it Papaya which is really annoying. It was really good and different. We ate at this Cafe & Te place that we had breakfast at earlier in the day. The coffee was really good. Then after that we went to Oceanografic which is the big huge aquarium and it was really cool. I wish Stephanie had been there to tell me interesting facts about the sharks. It was so cool to walk under the tunnels and see them swimming overhead. The sharks and the walruses and the dolphin show were my favorites. I don´t really like dolphins but when they do cool tricks they are pretty neat. The walruses were amazing, could have watched them forever, there was a big bull and a female and they kept wrestling and mauling each other.

It was another beautiful sunny day but a little colder with some wind and we had dinner at Burger King with Charlie/Stubs/Caballo/Stubbie which is the toy horse with no legs and no tail that I found on the street yesterday. He´s my friend.

Tomorrow to the Fallas Museum and another big tower. Adios!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 26 10:24pm Valencia

I skipped a day but nothing really happened except we left Barcelona on the train and went to Valencia and hauled our backpacks all the way to Home Backpackers which is very nice, we shared the room with two German girls.

Today we woke up and went to try and find Harley Davidson Valencia only to get majorly lost (well not where the store is but where I thought it would be) and ended up seeing the tail end of the dismantalling of the biggest virgin mary head I have ever seen. Which is desplayed on the right. We missed Fallas by a few days and that is the biggest celebration in Valencia, they all dress up in these amazing dresses and have parades, its pretty crazy. We saw a dress in El Ingles Cortes for only a small sum of €1300. It shocked mom at just how different things were.

Off to the beach though, it was really hot and then got a bit overcast but that didnt stop the beach from being wonderfully beautiful and I went in, it was very flat so I never actually got deeper than my hips but dove in anyways and that was nice.

After seeing a horrific old man in a tiny blue thong like speedo, we went off to Valencia CF´s stadium at Mestalla.

Dinner at Hollywood. Tomorrow we hope to find some Paella.

I´m sorry about the phone card Stephanie, it just doesn´t look like its going to happen any time soon.:(I´ll be home soon. I can´t wait to sleep over with you for like a week straight, ha ha. Miss you so much and keep your chin up.

Day 26 1:19 pm Valencia

Valencia is really pretty and realy hot. Going to the beach now. Will post more later when I have more time and patience.

Thanks so much Auntie Vickie, you are a life saver!!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 24 10:17 pm Barcelona

OMG the game was amazing!! We were really high up but it was still so good and the supporters were crazy and we did the wave and I still can't get over it.

The final score was 6-0 for Barcelona, they totally dominated and crushed Malaga. Andres got hurt though so I wont see him in Madrid :(

I can't even put into words how cool it was to be there.

Valencia tomorrow.

Auntie Vickie can you please post here when you send the thing away or if there is any problems.

PS Spanish guys are really hot. So pretty.

Day 24 11:03 am Barcelona

Church bells are ringing. Its another beautiful day in Barcelona, okay I lied its our first not that sunny day but the weather can still change.

Barcelona game tonight, so excited. I am almost frothing with excitement but its not for this game. Its for another game because OMG OMG.


That game is on the 28th in Madrid at Santiago Bernabeu. Gah!!!! *froth*

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 23 8:56 pm Barcelona

Went to breakfast at the hotel buffet which was really good. A little trouble with the waitress but not really much of an issue. After breakfast we were off to Santa Maria to see Camp Nou where we went on the tour. It was a little disappointing because we did not get to go in the change room and had an audio guide. The whole thing was not very well organized and there were swarms of people but the stadium was so cool inside and I cannot wait for tomorrow night.

After the stadium tour we went to the shop again and I got a Barca Toons calendar, he he. I am such a child. After that we went to the Pista de Gel aka the hockey rink and watched the FC Barcelona hockey team play against C.G.Puigcerda. The final score was 7-6 for Puigcerda. It was really fun to watch in the last period and I am glad we stayed to watch it all. It was a little bit of home, anyways. The hockey rink was smaller than the Kings rink which was a bit shocking but the crowd was cool. It was like a whole bunch of singing and drums.

Went and saw Casa Batllo and Casa Amatller which are very cool buildings and you should google them to get an idea of what they look like.

We went for dinner at a really fancy McDonalds because we cannot get enough of these Mexican Guacamole burgers, they are so good!

We went to the Palau de la Catalana which was all lit up because it was night. Very pretty.

Tomorrow is the game, so so excited!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 22 7:17 pm Barcelona

Score for getting an adaptor and the internet working in the room.

What a day! Back to the hotel earlier than usual but maybe that is a good thing. We are tired. Sorry for not mentioning the weather much. We only experienced snow and hail in Glasgow and in Manchester. Besides that it has been sunny since. In Barcelona we are enjoying t-shirts and walking around sweating our buns off(well mainly when we decided to hike Guell Parc in the morning sun), the Spaniards however are all bundled up in their jackets and scarves, making us sweat just looking at them.

We woke up when the maid opened the door, ha ha. Serves us right for sleeping in again, we enjoyed the buffet breakfast and it was really good. We are really spoiling ourselves here.

Off to Valcarca to the metro and to Sagrada Familia, oh it was so beautiful. I had to explain to mom that it was still not being built because she kept thinking it was being restored. It is amazing how big it is and we paid to go inside and we loved the stain glass inside, it followed the mosaics of Gaudi's other works and was just mind blowing. We wanted to go up to the tours and after a little wait we got an elevator up and boy are we glad we did. It was so beautiful and just amazing. I have never been more afraid of heights though. You are so high up! It was like the eiffel tower minus the big netting keeping you in, it was just a stone railing and some metal bars before you got into the tower to make your way down the stairs which went round and round.

McDonalds for lunch, ha ha. Right across the street from it. I got pop spilt on me :( So not nice.

After that we went to the FC Barcelona store in the area and got some things like my new red sweater which totally clashed with my yellow purse but whatever, I am Ronald McDonald on crack. We went from there to the (beach) to the marinas and walked around before spending more money in another FC Barcelona store. Saw the Amadeus yacht (google it, the boat is big) Walked up La Rambla which was full of people and markets and stalls with little turtles and ducks and everything.

Back to the hotel and are about to go for dinner. ;p

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 21 9:44 Barcelona

Slept in, it was so amazing, just to rest in a nice comfy bed. We left the hotel around ten and walked to a little bakery we had discovered on our route back from the park the night before. We baught this pizza like pastry and then two chocolate croissant type things that were so good.

We went back to Parc Guell and thought it would be nice to eat our breakfast there, boy were we wrong. All the tourists and people swarming all over it was terrible. It is a totally different place in the morning/afternoon then it is at night. When we were there the night before there was maybe nine people or so but it was just swarming with people. Made it quite ugly, we found a slightly quiet spot and ate and fed the pigeons.

After that we walked down to Lesseps and took the metro to Diagnol where we got off and walked all the way down this long street to find the Harley Davidson of Barcelona, only to get there just as it closed at 2 pm. Mom almost killed herself, we had walked all that way and it was closed at 2 pm for two hours. Spanish siesta! All the stores quickly shut around us for about 2-3 hours and we were stuck with nothing. We walked all the way back down to where we started and enjoyed our first Spanish McDonalds. I had the Mexican Guacomole burger which was to die for. It was like salsa and goodness.

After lunch we popped down the road to see Casa Mila! It was just down the road, its crazy to be able to see all this neat architecture. Mom really likes Gaudi, which I am happy about. After that we headed back to the Harley Shop and mother spent so much money. I got a 30€ shirt which I am wearing now.

From there we walked all the way to Camp Nuo which was some how not as impressive as I was imagining.:p No worries, it was still cool. Then we went to the megastore and I was all OMG OMG want want want. I got a two magnets, a pin for Steph, some pens and a pendent of Messi, lol. I got a Xavi jersey OMG. The yellow kit because the blue and red one hates me no matter how much love I give it. I am so happy with the jersey though and I got socks too. Bright yellow socks!!!

We walked some more and then found the metro station and I had to get off and buy this cute yellow purse for 18€. It was so yellow and it called to me from the station so I dragged mom off and went and got it. We continued our journey and I became determined to figure out how to get to the hotel without involving Guell Parc or a cab as it was quite dark. Took the wrong route and knew the jig was up when we ran into another metro station. Ugh Barcelona why are you so confusing. Walked to the bottom of this hill and looked up and saw the bridge we were supposed to go up and everything clicked.

Unfortunately we witnessed the aftermath of someone jumping off said bridge or possibly having a had a heart attack under said bridge. I like the second idea much better than the first. We had been confused by all these police on the bridge and police blocking traffic under the bridge and wondered what was up. Mom wondered if someone had thrown something over the bridge and after a moment we decided to cross and check it out. Unfortunately to find the person at the bottom. Mom did not see him but I saw him and I hope to god that it is not a suicide or anything. It makes me realize just how fragile the world is and how easy it is to lose yourself.

Slumber my darling, bid sorrow adieu, to-night for the fairies, tomorrow for you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 20 9¨.30 pm Barcelona

Um hey our hotel is like so nice. Mom keeps thinking there is a pool but there isnt and she loves the bathroom and the room and she just loves it. The hotel is just down all the twisted streets and alleys from Parc Guell which is where we went after checking in and it was so beautiful. Quite scary though at night because dark parks with lots of hills are scary. We are going there tomorrow after we have a nice sleep in which I cannot wait to do.

Not sure what we will do tomorrow, just taking things as they come. Had a lovely pasta dinner in our hotel restaurant.

I actually never thought Barcelona was so sloped in this part. I don´t know what I expected but it wasnt so many hills.

Day 20 11:16 am Paris Orly Airport

Bonjour mon amis.

Airports are scary and Paige does not do well in stressful situations like finding check in desks and controlling mother.

We board at 12:05 pm for Barcelona, quite exciting.

Au revoir!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 19 9:38 pm Paris


Last night in Paris and I have to say that I am very happy with my visit.

Stupid French keyboard is very hard so will not write much. Barcelona tomorrow at 12:45 pm.

OMG Versailles was beautiful. I cannot put into words just how beautiful it is. I got some rocks for you Stephanie. I had no idea that it was that big. I wish we had rented a golf-cart but mom thought 30 euros was too much so we walked.

Not sure what else to write. I am exhausted and I really need a converter for my laptop. :(

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 17 and 18 9:38 pm Paris

Bonjour. Paris is beautiful and we are really enjoying ourselves here. Our first day we visited Notre Dame and then went to the Eiffel Tower, went to the second floor as it was closed. I accidentally used a mens washroom in McDonalds because I need glasses and cant tell a stick man from a stick woman. I felt amazing until about 12:30 am where I puked my guts out. Long story, lets just forget.

Woke up early today and went to the Louvre which was wonderful and then we got some things from that cute store. I got a fox figurine from The Little Prince. So happy. Went to the Arc de Triomphe and walked up it. Oh my god it was so beautiful from there. Got loads of photos and we also walked across Pont Alexandre III. Oh so happy. Steph wish you were here to go biking with me. One day.

PS Will try to get a phone card when we get to Spain. So sorry and its up to you for time off. I would love ANTM.

Looks like we are not going to Lyon. I want to get out of France ASAP for some reason. Going to Versailles tomorrow.

Bon soir!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 16 9:10 am London

Eating pancakes. Went to the movies again, to Shopaholic. If you want to watch it Steph you can and sorry I didn't wait. I will watch it with you. Had a really good dinner a Bella Italia, yum yum.

To Paris at 11:00. Vive la France!

Oh and looks like we are going to Lyon. Here I come Karim!

PS Thanks for the heads up on Scott. No idea what is going on with that.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 15 12:07 pm London

Yesterday was so good. We went to the zoo and saw all the animals except for the Tapirs which was sad because I really wanted to see the Tapirs. I got a headband that had Giraffe ears and the horns, it was so cute. We saw the two Giraffe's feeding and got tons of pics so I hope they are good enough to appease Shawn. We spent four hours at the zoo so that shows you how much we were enjoying it. I found a friend in a little bird that followed me back and forth in his cage. I will look up what he is later but he was something like a Palawan Pheasant, reminded me of star wars the name.

We left the zoo and then went to Leicester Square and went to Pizza Hut for dinner and got a stuffed crust Hawaiian, my fav! Then had hot cookie dough and ice cream for desert. We got tickets for the movie Young Victoria. It wass so good and pretty and I want to watch it again. So pretty. Had a late night for once, ha ha.

Might hit up the Victoria and Albert Museum because of it. Might go to Arsenal to get those pics for Steph, Cesc was it?

Tomorrow to Paris!

PS Steph, will be sending a parcel to you. Do not open it on pain of death of Paige if you open it before I get home. Okay? Can I do that? Can I trust you not to open it?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 14 10:36 am London My Birthday

At McDonalds. Always at McDonalds it seems. Its right across the road from our hotel which is right across the road from Kings Cross which I can see right now. Big decisions today on whether I want to drag Mom stadium hunting, go to the London Zoo or go back to Arsenal to hum and ha over whether I want the Aaron Ramsey jersey >< Big decisions.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 13 5:26 pm Liverpool

At McDonalds on Paradise St which is where we always seem to go since it is the only McDonalds we have found besides the one in St. John Center. Anfield was amazing. The tour was really good and the guide was really funny. Happy happy. In the stadium store we found a funny pen in those racks off pens with people's names on them, personalized pens, yeah? It said 'Wife' on it. Like who would get that for their wife. "Here hunny, got you a pen..." Got to talk to Stephanie so that was really good. Um heading to the train station after this. London here we come.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 12 4:42 Liverpool

Woke up and went over and booked us a tour with Anfield for tomorrow. They were completely booked for today but some stupid South African guys got really mad at this cute guy at the tour center and said that they were unaccomadating even though the gu8y told him a dozen reasons why they could not wander around the stadium by themselves or slip into a tour. They had been booked out for today for five weeks, it was not happening.

Went to Goodinson Park after a nice walk through Stanley Park, ha ha. We went to the stadium shop and I got socks, lol. I am running out. Well Mom is. I got Steph a pin and I got a jersey and Mikel Arteta on the back and this all cost like 24 pounds. So pleased.

Cabbed it to main Liverpool and went to Walker Art Gallery and then to Liverpool World Museum and am now at Clayton shopping center. Figuring stuff out.

Much love and keep cool!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 11 March 10 Liverpool

Wow okay, lots to catch up on but that will be done later. Hotel got overbooked so we got put up at Patrick's house and ended up spending the night in a room with three young men. The blonde one looked like Chad Niddery, God. Almost fell in love when he put on his glasses.

Pubbed it for the game. God the atmosphere. Right down the road from Anfield. Won 4-0 against Real Madrid, so happy to be there and everything.

Going on the tour of Anfield on Thursday at 3.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 10 5:41 Manchester

Wow, what a full day. Cannot believe we are here. We are getting the hang of the bus system in Manchester and are having a really good day. Woke up at the Sandown Hotel where we are staying which is on Rochdale Road and we tried to walk to it but its like um trying to walk from Westview to Wildwood. Not that pleasant and not that fast especially with a heavy backpack. We have our own room and its really nice. I purchased my second alcholic drink from a corner store and drank the Smirnoff Ice in bed watching House, quite romantic.

Anyways woke up to an English breakfast which was so good and then we were off into Manchester on the bus and after going from Shudhill to Picadilly we found route 250 which would take us to Old Trafford! We got there just in time to take the 10:50 tour of the stadium and it was amazing. After taking the Arsenal tour though I had a lot to compare it to and I have to admit that the Arsenal tour was better but come on this is Old Trafford and just being there was an experience. Went to the shop and got a Cristiano magnet and was devastated that there was no Tevez magnet. I was all wtf and :(:( and I got some other stuff and like a Tevez keychain to try and make up the loss. We still hadn't gone all the way through the museum so we went there and in the museum shop was his glorious face. I gots a Tevez magnet and a Michael one there. So happy we went back. Went to the Red Cafe for lunch and got free drinks cause their till froze and we sat there waiting for it to be fixed so that was cool. I sat in Cristiano's seat and Mom sat in a Giggs' seat.

Hopped on the bus back to the city and then hopped on another and went out to Sportcity where Man City has their stadium and was so disappointed they didn't have a good selection of Joe stuff so Sarah keep an eye on the mailbox in the next few weeks.

Back on the bus and then went to this cool store where I spent a whopping 21 pounds on these two Totoro things one is blue and one is white. One is Manny and one is Chester. Haven't decided which one is which. Anyways must focus on finding how we are getting to Liverpool. Cheers!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 9 3:54 Manchester

Just off the bus. Finding a place to stay. Took a picture of a Staples for Steph. Manchester is so far just a big city and so far kind of scary.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 8 7:36 Glasgow

Rain, rain go away. So far Glasgow is okay, not as nice as Edinburgh but I will survive. Not happy that my laptop was not accepting internet in the bar :( Walked around Glasgow in big circles. Managed to get out to Uddingston to see Auntie Chrissie and am quite impressed with our directional abilities. Ugh stupid computer. Must try and get train imformation.

Trains are way too expensive so turns out we are bussing it. Whoot.

PS I tried calling you Steph and I got someone who said there was no Stephanie there. WTF will try again.

Thanks Neil for bringing that to my attention, had no idea.

Day 7 8:28 am Edinburgh

Just finished breakfast and have everything packed. Going to head for Waverly in a moment, see where we end up. Love ya!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 6 9:46 pm Edinburgh

Feeling alone right now. Would call Steph but shes at work and tomorrow I just don't know what will happen.

Remind me again why we are going to Glasgow? Might not go, might go. Don't know where else to go.

Day 6 7:20 pm Edinburgh

Last day in Edinburgh and I am really happy with how we spent it. We woke up and had breakfast in the bar area of the hostel, coffee and corn flakes. Wooo. After that we walked along Princes street and went up to the Royal Mile and did the wonderful New Europe Edinburgh tour which was free. Our tour guide was really awesome and I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the Madrid and Paris tours. Must go now though gahhhh

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 5 8:11 pm Edinburgh

Wow, don't really know what we were expecting when we got off the train but it was not a leisure ten minute walk like the hostel said it was. Dragging our weight we got to the hostel, admiring the nice buildings and the road work making us do loops around the road. We got there and after endless flights of stairs found our room. We have a German girl we haven't met yet and a lovely Argentinian girl Dominique in our room. We had pizza hut for dinner, stuffed crust and we ate all but two slices before hitting up the National Gallery of Scotland which was in our fortune because it was open late only tonight and we were able to look around. My first viewing of an El Greco. Again more rambling about how flipping cool paintings can be. Walked down Princes Street, almost got Stephanie a Highland Cow calendar but did not buy it as there was no way I could get that home in my bag. Back at the hostel now having gone for paying £1 for 1 hour and I really hope mom doesn't mind. My lappytop would not connect but it probably will now :( and if it does then I get free but whatever. Stupid internet. Going on a free tour tomorrow and then maybe Cowdenbeath which is exciting.

Day 5 2:34 Berwick-upon-Tweed

English countryside is beautiful and a notable place I would love to visit sometime in the future is Berwick-upon-Tweed because from what I saw of it, it is gorgeous. Right on the coast and just wow. 45 minutes to Edinburgh, loving the sun and the coastline. Absolutely amazing.

Day 5 12:44 pm Somewhere outside Leeds

On the train now, God it is beautiful. I think I am in love with train travel, its either that or that the English countryside is so bloody gorgeous. It beats France to bits, there are ponies and horses and sheep and golf courses and churches and fluffy white clouds in the blue sky. I am so happy right now. On our way to Edinburgh which apparently I cannot pronounce and got made fun of by the ticket guy but he forgave me cause I was from BC. Thank god for BC. Only real conversation we had with someone was a guy on the tube asked us where we were from because we were hauling our heavy ass bags around. Welcome to York peoplesss, I don't know what is in York but I know if you fail at hearing like I do Petersburough kind of sounds like Peanut Butter.

I tried to find Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross but they are renovating it and moved it and once I got outside the station to follow the directions I got kind of scared and moved back into the station. Still in York...not sure what else to write because we are still on the train and we are still not doing much. I am going to eat this cookie now. Love you all! Miss you all!

Day 4 Roundup

Had Breakfast which is coffee, cornflakes and toast and then went off to go to Westminster Abbey, it was so amazing and I am really glad that we decided to go inside and look around. All the stained glass and marble stone was so amazing. We got some souvenirs and the like. From there we walked across to the London Eye where we took in the wheel as we ate large hotdogs and fed the pigeons. We walked all the way to the Tate Modern and looked around. Air quality in there was not that good so we left and then walked across the Millennium Bridge to check out St. Paul's and decided against going inside then got lost attempting to find the tube, ugh, all I seem to do is go the wrong direction, all the time. We got off at Leicester Square tube stop and walked down to the National Portrait Gallery which was eye opening because of all the pictures of Queen Elizabeth I which I have only ever seen in history books. It's amazing what people are capable of with just paint and skill. Makes me miss Steph a lot because of all the amazing art I have seen. Went back to Earl's Court to drop our stuff off and I took this time to tell mom that we were in the home supporters section so we were supporting Fulham and not to shout out anything not related to Fulham so she tries to be funny and says "Go Whitecaps!" in which point I headdesk the wall and tell her that no one here has probably heard of the Whitecaps and probably don't care so don't say anything like that. Then we were off to the game!

I am really glad that we went to Putney Bridge the other day and did a run through of how to get to the stadium because I think I would have been quite scared to be out at night amongst all the people heading for the game. We were to have dinner and looked around before stopping at a place called Tastey's which probably was not the most hygienic places around but god was it good. I had a kebab and chips which turned out to be meat all over french fries which was not what I expected which was traditonal meat on a stick. We ate our lovely kabob and cheeseburger in Bishop's Park which was just as creepy at night as it is lovely in the day.

After dinner in the park we went to the Fulham shop were I forked out 49 pounds to get a Clint Dempsey 23 jersey for the game. I could not resist. This was my first premier league game, I resisted Arsenal which was a major thing but could not resist this. I got a men's large at the man's urging and I am glad I did because I pulled it over my sweater and had my jacket over it. I was content to have it there. Makes me think more how I just wear my jerseys as shirts and thats it but here its cold and you best bundle up.

Getting to the stadium, we got a program and then went inside and purchased drinks (Shawn they took the caps from us! :o International hate for caps) We were early but I am finding out that I would be content to wait an hour and a half then be late at all. I sat next to a boy and mom sat next to a boy and that was fine with us because my god we were so close to the pitch. I was just to the right of the middle line of the pitch and it was wondrous. When we arrived the stands were not all full and mom was wondering if it would stay like this and I told her that it would be like a King's game and that everyone arrives at the very last minute and they did. The stands were packed and the away supporters in the stands to the far left of us were singing and moving, it was incredible.

Watched the boys warm up and all I could wish for was wanting to see Jack and Aaron but you know they don't play for Fullham so no such luck.

The game on the other hand was really good, Fulham had so many chances and did not put anything away. Hull City were rubbish and all their shots were way wide and useless. It was a really sad end as Hull scored in the 92nd minute of the game and what had been a nice clear sky, it started to rain almost instantly after the goal had been scored. It was quite a strange event.

Leaving the game, we walked through Bishop's Park again but this time with all the crowd. It was pretty amazing to be in such a swell of people. We went to the platform and I decided for us that we would go down one station and then switch back onto the other one so that we would be in a less crowded train and that worked out for us. Walked from the tube stop back to our hotel and saw a man dancing in women's boots which was quite eye opening as he was an older man :p. Once back at the hotel we packed up, prepared for tomorrow and then promptly passed out.

PS If any words are messed up its cause the thing kept jumping when I . Stupid thing.

Still on the look out for that phone card. <3

Day 1 Full post written on the way.

11:24 am – On the flight. So far so good except I lost one of my earbuds for my ipod. :( So lame. I might convince myself to get a new pair once we land in London. :( Moneeeey....silly ipod. I will search my bag once we are not surrounded by strangers. Nice French couple next to me, cute Asian boy that I peeked at in the waiting area, behind me. Wheee!

5:41 pm Somewhere over North America Turns out my earbud was in the pocket of moy hoodie. Thank god. No need to spend money on new earphones >< Almost there. The East looks flat from what I can see from my aisle seat. I think I saw the Great Lakes. Can't really tell, could have just been a bunch of water. Go Canada. I can't wait for my window seat on the flight to London!! I hope our connection goes well. Will keep posted on that. Mom is doing well except for the fact her screen mucked up so she could only watch half of Australia and then nothing else after that.

2:03 am Somewhere over Eastern Canada. Tired and hungry. We made it no problem to Montreal and our connection was very efficient due to my lead. :P Montreal at night is very beautiful. All lit up. We are just waiting for our food. It smells really good whatever it is. After that I am going to try and get some sleep. Big day in six hours. London here we come!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 3 Update

We went to find Craven Cottage where Fulham plays and the website said that it would be a ten minute walk and I think it was crazy cause it took us a little more than that. Had a lovely walk through Bishop's Park to get there and enjoyed the sun. We got there and picked up our tickets before finding the shop to be closed until game days and then went and found which tiny door we were to go through to get to the Johnny Hayes stand before walking back through the park and finding the other store not open for another half hour. We blew that off and managed to get back to Putney Bridge tube stop and were off to Arsenal once more.

We got to do the Stadium Tour and this made me incredibly happy. So so happy. My butt has been where Aaron Ramsey's butt has been and thats all that matters right now. The pitch is so amazing as is the stadium, really breathtaking and I really hope we do end up getting to a game. The tour guide was really funny and we talked to him and I told him about almost meeting Gael Clichy and he told me if it made it any better, he had met Gael Clichy and I told him I was really happy to be now one degree away from Gael Clichy.

Leaving the stadium, the only thing we could do was get lost trying to find the stop. We took the wrong road and had to walk a long long was to Finsbury Tube stop which was very hidden and we could have missed it. We went from there to the British Museum but before that I had a Mexican Chicken sandwhich which was basically chicken slathered in Salsa. Made me think of Jacinta. LOL. Went around the Museum and was blown away by just what people are capable of.

Down from there we went to Trafalgar Square again but this time not to scare police horses or touch big lion butts and went to the National Gallery which was incredible. I got a stuffed pigeon from the shop there and I enjoy it very much.

On the tube stop back, mom nudged me while waiting for the train and pointed out something and I was don't see anything then I saw a little tiny black mouse. It was so cute scurrying about and this guy laughed at it because mom had been able to seen it so she said that we were tourists and the guy said that the mouse was a terrorist. So funny.

Rain and night came so we headed back to Earl's Court for our lovely little room and some much needed sleep.

PS Steph, is the gloss you want in that weird looking bottle or like a normal tube shape? I can only find the clear normal tube shape and its like £6.20. :P Tell mees and I will pick it up for you on the last day in London. :P

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 3 8:25 am

I can't believe we are in London right now. Just finished breakfast which was good but I need more coffee and a little bit more food. We are going to Fulham to check it out and to ask about the tickets. I am going to check on the Arsenal webbie about their tours available right now and then we are off to the tube to get our passes and then head to Fulham before going to the British Museum. Will stop in Boots to get that expensive lippyglossy Stephanie wants ;). It's raining so coat is on. Slept for 12 hours. It's amazing.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 2 2:17 London

At the hotel now. Day was excellent, will post more later. Earl's court is really pretty. I saw a hottie hottie half naked boy man on a balcony and probably drooled and then we did a lap of the neighbourhood and saw him on the street except this time clothed. So hot. I scared a police horse. I watched a girl fall of a lion at Trafalgar Square. I met my first Russian. I went to Stamford Bridge. I went to Covent Garden, Leister Square...London places. So happy to be here. Sat in a park and ate double deckers and enjoyed the sun. It's amazing just to let go and experience.

Will post more. Our hotel room is almost ready. We waited all the way until 2 to check in and get into our room and the bed is not made, the bathroom has no toilet paper. Not too much of a fuss and the manager was very apologetic about it so I will totally forgive him and give him a good review if he keeps up the nice service. Back to go chillax with the mother and watch a bit of telly in the lounge.

Steph, what kind of lippyglossy did you want from Boots? The clear kind? Wazza?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 1 9:20 am Vancouver International

Through security and looking good with a little bit of a wait. Our flight leaves at 10:55 am. I can't believe we are doing this. So excited. Mom raised her hands while going through the metal detector. I am almost died, she looked like she was wondering what to do. I almost head-desked into the table where my stuff was laying. Oh mom. Off to a good start though despite getting lost in the Asia flights only area of Air Canada's part of the terminal.

Drinking my liquids and hoping for a nap on the flight to Montreal. So so excited. I don't know what to do with myself right now. Might go find a bathroom.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm on my way

Hey there. This is Paige. We are not on the road yet but we are almost there. Getting so excited. Travelling down to Vancouver in a little bit so I am spending some valuable time with my computer. I'll miss it. Getting going soon so here is the supposed itinerary that took me forever. We'll see if it works out that way.

31 nights and 32 days in Europe

SUN March 1 – Arrive 8:00 am for Vancouver flight to Montreal 10:55 am- 1 hour wait – Montreal to London Heathrow at 7:30 pm

MON March 2 – Land at Heathrow 7:30 am. Get Oyster Cards. Take Tube on Piccadilly Line to Earl’s Court. Walk down Earl’s Court to Redcliffe Gardens and look for 96 to drop off bags. Chelsea House Hotel 2 pm check in.

TUE March 3 – London - Chelsea House Hotel (Lion King Lyceum Theatre 19:30 ) Stamford Bridge, Emirates, St.Martin in the Fields Market

WED March 4 – London - Chelsea House Hotel. Changing of the Guard 11:15, Camden Market, Fulham vs. Hull City 8 pm.

THU March 5 – Check out 9:30 am. Half an hour to get to King’s Cross by tube London Kings Cross 11:00am to Edinburgh. Arrive 3:20 pm. Check in 16:00 at Caledonian Backpackers

FRI March 6– Edinburgh Caledonian Backpackers Royal Mile, Arthur’s Seat, Natural Museum

SAT March 7– Edinburgh/Cowdenbeath

SUN March 8– Queen Street Station Glasgow Burrel Collection

MON March 9 – Manchester Old Trafford 9:40 am, Chinatown, Sportcity,

TUE March 10 – Check out Liverpool

WED March 11 – Daytrip to Liverpool Manchester United vs. Inter. Liverpool vs. Real.

THU March 12 - Liverpool 11s am -3 pm stadium tour - Check out Late flight/bus/train to London
£22-44 14:15 – 16:23 Manchester Piccadilly to London Euston

FRI March 13 – 19th birthday. London > London Zoo

SAT March 14 – London (Arsenal 15:00)(Man United 12:45)(Snow Patrol 6:30pm) (Manchester to London 15:55-18:04 £22.00)

SUN March 15 – Check out – get there 30 minutes before Eurostar London St. Pancras 11:00 am – 14:17(2:17) Paris Hotel Jarry Louvre-6pm

MON March 16 – Paris Hotel Jarry (Versailles/Orsay closed) Louvre 6 pm, Eiffel Tower

TUE March 17 – Hotel Jarry Paris (Louvre Closed) Orsay Museum

WED March 18 – Check out before noon. Paris (Louvre Open till 10pm)

THU March 19 - Paris Vueling Flight Paris to Barcelona 13:05-14:50 $157/79

FRI March 20 - Barcelona Sagrada Familia, Casa Mila, Parc Güell, La Casa Batlló, Parc d’Atraccions in Tibidabo

SAT March 21 – Barcelona La Rambla, La Boqueria, L’Aquarium, el Xampanyet, Camp Nuo

SUN March 22 - Barcelona Barcelona vs. Malaga 21:00

MON March 23 – Barcelona Euromed

TUE March 24 - Valencia

WED March 25 - Benidorm

THU March 26 – Valencia Alaris train

FRI March 27 - Madrid Atocha Railway Station (Madrid Tourist Center Plaza Mayor 27) Bernabeau,
Madrid Zoo, Faunia, Bullfighting Museum, Madrid Bus Tour

SAT March 28 - Madrid Fuencarral Market, Museo Reina Sofia, El Prado 9-6-8 pm free

SUN March 29 - Madrid Rastro Market(La Latina), Bullfight 17:00? Plaza de Toros de Madrid (Pick up tickets at Teychi’s Office at Goya 5 in Pasaje Comercial Carlos III 13:00-16:00)

MON March 30 – Madrid SHS Hotel Aeropuerto Day trip to El Escorial (El Prado Closed)

TUE March 31 – Flight 3902 Madrid to Paris Easyjet- Check in starts at 5:15am and closes 6:35 7:15-9:25 (35 minutes to Gare de Nord €8.40 on RER) Arrive 14:30 at Paris Nord Train to London Paris Nord 15:13 -16.36 London

WED 1 April - London

THU 2 April – Arrive 12:00 Heathrow for London flight to Toronto 3:00 pm – 2 hr 25 min wait – 8:30 pm out of Toronto – Arrive Vancouver 10:25 pm